Logo is stands for Language of Graphic Oriented . A logo is a kind of symbol given by any company or organization. Which we can easily identify by looking at it. A logo is a symbol, logo is made by a graphic designing artist, most of the use of logo is for company and marketing, like a bite of apple company, chopped apple, Nike etc.

Why Important logo?
we make a logo so that by looking at the logo of any company, website, App we can find out that this logo belongs to this company, website, App. It would be difficult to identify company, website or App without a logo. Logo tells the identity of our company , App, website. And it attracts people and makes our company a brand so logo Important.
A professional logo is an identity of you and your Company , website , App, YouTube channel ,business.

Type of logo?
We are going to tell you about the logo making website, software from where you can make logo absolutely free.
There are many different types of logos:-
1.Combination mark logos.
2.Wordmark logos.
3.Lettermark logos.
4.Monogram logos.
5.Letterform logos.
6.Symbol or pictorial logos.
7.Abstract logos.
8.Mascot logos.
1.Combination mark logos.

2.Wordmark logos.

3.Lettermark logos.

4.Monogram logos.

5.Letterform logos.

6.Symbol or pictorial logos.

7.Abstract logos.

8.Mascot logos.
A mascot is a living character that represents an organization or business. it has a life outside the logo. which we see everyday.

Create your own logo:-
1.Online logo maker website.
2. Software below.
3. Android App
1.Benefits of creating a logo online:-
There are many Benefits of using an online logo maker such as:
- It will not take you much time to create a logo , You can save your Time.
- No Professional skill will be required in this , you can easily create a favourite logo.
- You will not need any Graphic designer and will save your money.
- Now you can create logo according to yourself.
2. Best Software for Design Logo:-
we can make logo very easy . There are many software for creating logos. It is very important for us to have knowledge of any one software.
Inkscape is a free and open-source vector graphics editor used to create logo, images, primarily in Graphics format. It is very Usefull software for graphic designer.

GIMP is a free and open-source raster graphics. GIMP is not designed for drawing but some people draw no it.

3.Adobe Illustrator





3.Top 5 logo maker App:-
Below is the name of the App you can design logo very easily from your android phone. It is very easy to use these app. You will make a logo in a few minutes, you will find this app on the Google Play Store.
- Logo Maker
- Canva
- Logo Maker Plus
- Brand Logo
- Logo Creator
- Gaming Logo